Hormones over 40….
what the heck happened to my body???
You turn 40.  Happy birthday!!  
Then you notice the subtle changes at first.  A slight thickening around the waistline.  What worked in the past doesn’t seem to work anymore.  In fact, maybe the harder you work out, the worse it seems to get. 

Migraines and headaches.  Mood swings, irregular periods, heavy menstrual cycle (maybe even flooding).   PMSing like crazy.  

Or maybe your further down the menopause path.  Hot flushes and night sweats sapping your energy and steeling your sleep.   Exhaustion, weight gain, no sex drive, aches and pains (including sore feet and shoulder problems).

Trust me I get it.  I’ve lived it all.  I’m pretty sure I had almost every single menopause symptom there is.   

Tweaking your breakfast is the key 
to more energy, better moods, less cravings 
and improved concentration and focus.  

Get your FREE 
Hormone Balancing Breakfast Guide here.

Here is the short version of my story. 

My self esteem and confidence was lower than it had been in decades.  I didn’t know who I was anymore.  It felt like my body had betrayed me and I had turned into a different person.  

Haunted by weight gain, mood swings, absolutely no libido and a dry you know what.  I was desperate to find a solution.  I would not allow this to be my new “mid life” normal.

Hundreds and hundreds of hours of research and studying this perimenopause-menopause-postmenopause transition blew my mind.  I’d been working in private practice with women for over 20 years as a naturopath and mind-body practitioner and I realised I really knew nothing about this transition in a women’s life. 
Slowly over time, with much trial and error I have come back to myself.  Recalibrated my brain and body to the new hormone levels. I am happy to say that most of my symptoms have resolved. Whilst I slowly and gently work on resolving the last few symptoms. 

I’m a big believer this time in a women’s life should not be faced with pushing hard and depriving ourselves to try to “fix” ourselves.  In fact decades of doing this is often what leads to these issues in the first place. 

If you can relate to any of this, I have great news.  You don’t have to go through all the trial and error and hundreds of hours of studying and researching.  I’ve done the heavy lifting for you.  I’m here to guide you back to yourself.  To get out of the hormonal chaos of “mid life”.

So if you want more energy, stable moods, easier periods, restful sleep, to reset your metabolism, and maybe even reclaim your libido and desire for life again, schedule a complimentary 15min Hormone Harmony Breakthrough session with me. 

Select Your Hormone Support Package 
Access personal support to help you on your peri-menopause/menopause (any woman over 40) journey.  
Midlife Makeover
Reset your metabolism and hormones in this 10 week online group program.
Double your energy, lose weight and reclaim your confidence. 

Hormone Detox
The 28 Days Hormone Balancing Detox Kick Start program is designed to support your body physically, mentally and emotionally to rest and repair itself. 

14 Day Body-Mind Reset
This 14 day reset will guide you through step by step how to eliminate cravings, regulate appetite, decrease impact of stress on the body, increase energy, drop cms and more.
One-on-One Support
Get customized assessment, testing treatment protocol and guidance.
The quickest method to create hormone harmony.

Maybe your in your 40’s and just starting to notice subtle changes in your period, mood, weight, etc, then I want you to know you can do something about this.   You just need someone to show you the way.  Oh and the sooner you start on this journey the better.  Don’t wait till you well and truly hit menopause.  But if you are in menopause- postmenopause and still wondering who the heck you are.  It’s not too late.  I can help.  

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